Camilla Love has extensive experience within the industry, ranging across marketing, sales, finance and strategy. Beyond these achievements, Camilla plays a meaningful role in pioneering increased female representation within the finance industry. As the founder of F3 – Future Females in Finance, Camilla discusses her motivations to create the program and how they accomplish the objectives of the program.
What is your current job and your day-to-day responsibilities?
I have been in the industry for over 20 years, really focusing on marketing, sales, strategic insights and governance roles. I have built boutique businesses and supported their growth. I have had some amazing opportunities to build both offshore and Australian clients and even built an ETF business.
Today, I’m taking my superpower, as a connector, and I’m supporting stellar fund managers in their distribution and marketing. I’m also supporting their strategy of moving into the Australian market or offshore into global markets under Alpencrest Capital.
I wear a number of other hats as well. I am the Chair of the Abbotsleigh Foundation and Chair of the UNSW Alumni Advisory Committee. I am also on the Perennial Responsible Entity and Venture Capital Boards.
I am also the founder of F3 – Future Females in Finance and the host of “Shares not Shoes” podcast.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your role?
Definitely the people side of my role. Finance is a people business. I'm a naturally curious person and love getting to know other people, what their interests are, what their businesses do and how I can solve problems for them.
I also love to be surrounded by people more intelligent than me. It's amazing what you can learn.
What advice would you give women in University at the start of their careers?
Try a lot of different things to work out what you like and what you don’t like. Take your strengths and find roles that enable you to further develop those strengths. Be patient - what you get offered as your first role, may not be the right one for you.
What is one change that you would like to see for women in your field?
I would love to see more female CEOs in the funds management field. There are a number in the superannuation industry however they are few and far between in funds management.
You can be what you can see and it is critical to see many more female CEOs across the industry to inspire the next generation to aspire to be one.
Why did you want to create the F3- Future Females in Finance program?
I was inspired to set up F3 because I really wanted to make a difference in the industry. I also wanted to solve a problem through a more practical, grassroots scalable solution that was truly impactful, not only for the industry but also for individual talent.
In short, F3 aims to educate young women about a career in finance through panel sessions, careers days, “Shares not Shoes” podcast (check it out here) but the backbone of it is a 6-week work experience opportunity where a group of 5 females work together to research, analyse and solve a business problem inside a corporate partner and alongside a mentor.
It’s a win-win outcome. Corporates have a project completed, can see talent in action and have an important “cultural boost” tool in the tool kit for staff. The female talent gains the skills, gathers knowledge on the sector and has a supportive environment to have their first entrée into the Finance industry.
Today, I have offered work experience to over 350 girls, many of whom are in the industry and I am very proud of that achievement.
If you have any questions for Camilla Love, please:
1. Leave a comment under our Woman of the Week FB post, or
2. Email us at wcp.unimelb@gmail.com